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Hi Everyone! Welcome to my technology blog. I am a School Librarian with a particular interest in technology and the accessibility of information. I frequently post my recommendations and opinions about new (or new to me) online resources, iPad and iPhone apps, etc. Questions, comments and suggestions are more than welcome.

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ipad evolution...

Hi.  I'm a Mac :D

I think the most interesting and exciting thing about the Apple iPad are the constant changes and upgrades.  It's almost as if, as soon as I voice a problem or irritation, they find a way to fix it and make it ten times better.  iPad 2 aside... (since I do not have one)... the software updates on iPad are brilliant.
The first major upgrade was OS 4.2...  this turned iPad from a glorified ipod touch into a multitasking genius.  It truly did replace my laptop.  This most recent update to 4.3.3... Now has automatic sinc with my itunes WITHOUT docking it with the computer!

Apple also upgraded "Pages" to include a file system, which it was seriously lacking.
This along with many other apps are updating their features daily to work better together and make the use, creation and transferring of information more streamlined and functional.  More and more apps sinc with Dropbox making it possible to access your files from other computers without the worry of remote desktops (which leaves a wireless window into your computer so you'd better feel REAL comfortable with that 3rd party app creator).

The improvement of Apple's iPad is in part to their own improvements but a great deal of credit MUST go to the creators of the 3rd party apps.  I love not being limited to Apple products but being able to try a slew of notebook apps and deciding which one works best for me.

I know that a lot of these features are not exclusive to iPad.. and YES  we are severely lacking in the FLASH department.  I would love for Apple to get off it's high horse someday soon and give us that little piece of wonderfulness... but for me, iPad is still the way to go.   I think it's mainly a personal choice and there is no wrong choice.  I know some people who have difficulty figuring out iPads but have no problem with the Droid operating system.  This has lead me to an interesting thought.  The choice of tablet is much the same as your choice of PC.  Some people have a MAC brain while others have  PC brain.  The same goes for tablet technology.  The Droid operating system gives me a headache, but hand me anything made by apple and I can figure it out.  It feels intuitive.  I think it all comes down to how your brain is wired...

So... allow me to introduce myself...

Hi.  I'm a Mac :D

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